On November 22, 2002, the Prime Minister, Council of Regency, Na Kupuna Council O‘Hawai‘i Nei and Na Kupuna Council Hawai‘i Moku (Royal Kupuna House of Nobles) proclaimed Edmund K. Silva Jr. to be the lawful successor and Ali‘i Nui Mō‘ī (High Chief and King) of The Kingdom of Hawai‘i.

er ancient protocol in selecting a King, descendants of the original members of the House of Nobles as established by King Kamehameha III, selected Edmund Keli‘i Silva Jr. to reign as Ali‘i Nui Mō‘ī, High Chief and King of and for The Kingdom of Hawai‘i.

The Kingdom of Hawai'i Citizen Registration

Aloha! Amazing progress is being made on our Restoration! To show your support and prepare for formal Registration for all Hawaiian Citizens, please complete the Registration Information below. When the Registration Program initiates, you will be contacted for a Registration Interview and will receive a Registration Preparation Packet via email to prepare you. This will NOT occur until the Registration Program and its software is fully in place and all necessary questions have been determined.

Get Your
Digital Identity & Passports

The Hawai’i Country Passport can be issued to members, residents, citizens, nationals and diplomats of Hawai’i member Kingdoms, Nations, States, and allows for travel within the Hawai’i as well as certain other Countries without the need for a visa.

Digital ID is not only for the living. It also allows for Individuals to create an Identity for love ones who have already passed on. This enables a truly complete and worldwide Identity system for the living and the dead to store important documents safely and securely in a place where they will never be lost or destroyed.

Hawai’i Country Financial
Management System

A new secure, intelligent network that allows people to manage the buying and selling of homes and land parcels without personal information like their names and mortgage being on full display while crypto-graphically proving real-time ownership.

Hawai’i Country
Identity Management System

Whether you live in the Texas territory or somewhere else, The Texan Country can set you free with its advanced decentralized, easy-to-use Identity, Finance, Business, Asset, Land and Dispute Management recording. And we will continue growing the services into a more complete yet independent decentralized governance management experience every day.

Hawai’i Country Business Management

The Hawai’i Country enables individuals to establish and possess their own entities (such as businesses, DAOs, trusts, etc.), oversee their digital assets, and participate in a worldwide network comprising Kingdoms, Nations, Countries, and Communities.

License Plate

Not only can you get your Hawai'i Drivers License but you can register your vehicle and get a non expiring vehicle license plate that will enable you to operating int the physical world but not be oppressed or surveilled. Download Hawai'i Life and login to get started to live free again.

Nou Ke, Akua, Ke Aupuni
O Hawai‘i

Hawai‘i is a Sacred Place

The Kingdom of Hawai‘i is a very significant place. It is not defined by man. It is not a territory to be disputed for ownership. It is the ‘Aina, the Land, given in ancient times as a home for the Iwi Kupunas (descendants of our Ancestors) and Citizens of The Kingdom of Hawai‘i. Those born here feel the land even when they are away. It is part of who they are. The Mana, the energy of creation, rises from the earth, through the People, then connects to Akua in the great Way of Knowing.

History of the Hawaiian Line of Royal Succession

Why Kingdom of Hawaii

Under the 25th President of the United States of America (from March 4, 1897 - until his assassination on September 14, 1901), William McKinley led the U.S. to victory in the infamous Spanish-American War; aside from his and the U.S. Congress's many nefarious policies, the U.S. Federal Government did concoct and staged an “annexation” and took possession of the Hawai'i Kingdom, calling it the “U.S. Territory of Hawai`i.” In 1959, that false or illegal “Territory of Hawai`i” was converted into the unlawful “State of Hawai’i, and the Royal Kingdom of Hawai’i was Stolen.

Kingdom of Hawaii Authority

  • Natural Authority

    This Authority, given by Akua, is the basis for our lives, our families, our land, and our laws. It is given by Akua (God) and only Akua (God) can take it away.

  • Law of Nations Authority

    In this modern-day, Sovereign Nations are still being crushed under the heel of Western Imperialism. The International Law is clear on what should be the case for Nations such as The Kingdom of Hawai`i.

Upcoming Meetings

Kingdom of Hawaii Is The Global Reset Humanity Has Been Waiting For

It’s a chance to re-build the Hawai'i and our systems in a way that will serve every single individual. It’s time for a new world that is infinitely more accessible, honest, and secure.

Hawai'i General council meeting

every other Saturday

8:00 HST





Declaration of Protection

Augustos Leo Apolo, General of the Last Legion of Byzantium's Declaration of Protection to the Patriarch King of the Kingdom of Hawai'i.

Become A Member In The Kingdom of Hawaii